Monday, August 26, 2013

The Little Farm

My friend Han invited me to check out The Little Farm in her Berkeley neighborhood. In spite of the rain, we forged ahead with kids in tow and were rewarded with having the place to ourselves. We saw cows, goats, sheep, chickens, roosters, ducks, turkeys, rabbits and pigs. It was fun seeing the kids see animals outside of their books.

Hey, you. Yeah, I’m talking to you.

The red barn is where the baby goats, chickens, roosters, rabbits,
ducks, chickens and pigs live. This is Hilda Mae Heifer.

Baby goats playing. Big pigs sleeping and little Amelia peeking.

Old MacDonald had a farm and we went to visit it.


  1. Sounds better than a zoo and Amelia looks so cute!

    1. Forgot to mention... No unicorns though huh???


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