Friday, August 23, 2013

Champagne Tasting Party

Several months ago, my champagne-loving aunts Thess and Vangie babysat Amelia. We ended up staying for dinner at their place and they served champagne. Of course. I mentioned that I don't have a definitive favorite because my palate does not have a good memory, there are long stretches in between my champagne swillings, and I've never drank more than one type of champagne at a time. We talked about a tasting to resolve the matter. Finally we did. You're invited.

I was thrilled when I read that potato chips and popcorn go well with traditional brut champagne. No cooking required.

L to R: brillat savarin with truffles, truffle mouse, lambchopper sheep gouda, mortadella.

There you go. Everyone brought a different bottle so we can sample a wide variety.
L to R: Monthuys, Cuvee des Crayeres, Moet & Chandon, Gaston Chiquet, Perrier-Jouet, Benoit Lahaye.

A generous tasting portion is not so helpful when trying to remember.
For dinner I prepared rigatoni with creamy mushroom sauce that went well with the evening's libation.

For dessert I served Draeger's sponge cake with berries and Suzie & Ellen's homemade strawberry jam.

This cake was so good and more bubbles.

The drinking became more of a pairing than a tasting. I still don't know which champagne I like best. Ah, well. We need a do over. Who's in?

To paraphrase Tom Waits, champagne is for real friends. À notre santé!

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